Sunday, July 15, 2012


Art - today everybody talking about Art.
Painting, Photography, Cinematography, hand made stuff and so on.
Everybody saying that they're doing Art. Let's get straight here. What is goal to create art ? Why and for what you doing that ?

Majority goes into Art - because they haven't found another way to express themselves. They waitress all day long, but after shift - they painting gorgeous painting on the roof. Or they cutting grass, seating with children, so on so on. Usual it's minimum wage salary, just to satisfy the urgent demands - like get food, roof, bed, Internet (yep, now it's urgent), car or public transport and Iphone (if we're talking about USA).

But if you're Lucky guy. U're find job of your dream. And it's not broken after year of working in that field. You're happy to get up every morning at 5 a.m. - or even earlier - putting yourself together and go to work. And you're HAPPY. Congrats you, you're 2% of population on this Planet.

The other small group - rich guys. Usually they not creating - they collecting. They can afford everything. Usually they buy something - when their days is count. But if they Create - it's just OUTSTANDING. They're not cares about ground problem of every artist - how to keep yourself alive tomorrow.  Like Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900) - he was awesome. He has everything what he wants - but he quickly realize - that it's not make him happy and fulfill his soul. 

So what moves the artist to create ? Probably, to express yourself - in that way - in what you're want. Art is outsider of science. Outsider of existing world - expending borders. To find some place just for you. Your own world. 

Where they found inspiration - what a bullshit question - when you know who you are and know the final product what you want to show people - the rest is just instrument how to express what you're filling in your deepest thoughts.

It's enough for today, continues will be soon. 

So get out and create!  

Friday, July 13, 2012


Commitments. What a hard and useless word.

What a big words like Family, Friendship, commitments, relationships,  human relationships. Everybody just throw all this words, but can anybody say the true meaning of this words ?

Family - just group of people which are so different with you, so it's almost impossible to find such unlike you people on whole planet Earth.

But they Love you! Another interesting word - what the f*ck it's mean ? Does that means that they really not trying to change who you really are and accept you for YOU. Without any changes or rebuilding, just essence as you are. Nothing more. Just humble damp/dumb you.

What does this You - means - what fills YOU up ? How f*ck you'll know what you like/dislike - if you put your own opinion in such deep ass, that you even forget about it.

How I'll know what to do - as only thing that I know is what you tell me to ? As LP sing in his song "By myself".

 I know what means all this strange to my ear words. I know it because I know what it's mean not to have all this benefits of civilization.

You really start appreciate this things - only when you'll start to be able live and live SUCCESSFUL without them. Then you'll appreciate them in full meaning of the meaning. But probably 9 of 10 never will know that. It's sorrow.

 I'm here not to judge you - no. Just sharing my humble opinion about myself.

P.S. I'm not capable of love - says only losers and lame duck!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

When I just started.

To all who says AND HOW ?

Hello,  i'm writting this letter to all people who says "и как там? рассказывай!"

If in one word's - ITS SHIT.

Yep. shit. It's not a mistake. Yep, shit. And me advice to u - NEVER go here. It's not worth it. 

Here a lot of problems. Here some of them - u may be not understand it but it true:

- Language.
- Distances. Yep. Without a car - u're nothing. It's Fact.
- Coasts. Ye - it should be clearance - teechnics is  cheaper. But - u need A LOT.
- Rent. It's really expensive.
- Competition. It's not just a word - u feel it.
- Peolpe. Chinese, Mexican, Afro american, indian, japanese, jews, armenians and so on.

It's only main problems - and they are the bigest. And every day - u have a new list with a new problems. New day - new list. and so the circle.

So if u're deciding to go or not - stay at home.

Thanks for reading and commenting, bye.

P.S.  But it's the best place - i ever been before. 
P.P.S. Одно изобилие фруктов чего только стоит. Утром разрезал спелейший ананас - это божественно. Когда ты ешь, а с него течет сладющий сок. А там где он крепится на дерево - там кисленькое :)) awesome!

It's past already 9 month - and unsurprisingly -  i was right. Yep. Sometimes I don't like myself to be so reliant. But this time - it not that time.

I love ocean. But you never find it quiet. Sometimes you just need to stop doing something. And enjoy silence.

Couple shoots - that I captured last year.
1. Black Sea, Crimea, Ukraine.
2. Azov Sea, Ukraine.

Camera Sony A200 + MF Upiter 37A 135/3.5  /  Kit lens 18-70.

(1. cheap camera + very cheap lens (like 30$) - right place,  right time
2. cheap camera + kit lens 18-70 3.5-5.6 (KIT LENS, can you image that!) + right place, right time)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

American Pie.

Hello, I just eaten American Pie. It's something. I love apples - gorgeous and cinnamon - is great.
Combination of gorgeous + great + cup of milk = awesome. Just fill my stomach. I don't eat too much sweet stuff, but American Pie. And chocolate muffins and pies, i like pies more than cakes. And cruasanes with hot melted dark 89% chocolate + hot cup of latte. Awesome morning after nasty night.

Actually it was my first American Pie. Ever. It was Huge! 4 lbs 10 Oz - even numbers is Huge! Almost 2 kg, Damn! I eaten about 1/10 of it plus couple cups of milk - I'm full. Maybe for you, american reader - it's not sounds so huge. But it's definitely Big Pie.

At other hand - I'm not used to american sizing - I'm totally not used to America.

When I first saw Pizza - on TV, at that time I was may be 10 - Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin - my first thought was - Damn, how can single person eat all this + something to drink ? It's impossible! From that time - I haven't eaten whole pizza alone, never. It's to Huge for me.

My first cheeseburger - real one - with pickles and french fries and lettuce - i tried when I was 21. Yep, twenty one years old. And It was Big, actually - it was Huge - but that Day I almost nothing eat - so - It was just alright. After one - i'll definitely won't EVER to order another one!

It was great, but I prefer healthy food. REAL healthy food, not that selling in store in plastic bags. No, real lettuce, tomatoes, grape, watermelons and so on.   

So stay healthy, see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Limitless. Observe.

Hey there.

People possibility is limitless. Is it right?

Yep, sure. Lay on the Sofa - and think this way.

But let me tell you what I think.

People possibility is limitless. Khm... yep, kind of... More concrete Nature possibility - is limitless. God's, Creator's, Nature's possibility - is on that level of development - that it's enough  to create US. Us with our "limitless" possibility.

They say - we're using only less than 10 percent of our brains - yep, right. When you laying on the Sofa. You can - if you want. The real question - are you Real want ? You wanna be hero ? Yep, why not. You wanna be rich? Yes! Strong, Healthy and so on - i can continue to infinity...

Yes, but who really make a move?

Einstein defines insanity - is making every day the same routine and expecting different results. Everybody talking, talking - we should move, we should ....

But I can say - stop. Take a breath. Find Nirvana spot in your insane life. Break at Work - every two hours, hey - don't get extra coffee/cigarette - get out - observe - just watch, see, hears, think.
   - Just  Don't do, Don't talk - observe - just open your eyes, close you  hears - and just observe. Try to become part of what your see.

The most genius decisions - was taken from nature around us. The simplicity, the color, the right picture. For sure, you not see the whole picture - it's what is moving people out of the planet - to learn more about It! Or digging deeper and deeper - to find out the answers to the simplest and most difficult questions. Who we are, where we going, what are we doing, who responsible for this...

Look who moving our planet ahead - freaks! Who - who was abscessed with some idea, who was dreaming and begging(!) to solve it - to find answer. Who had nightmare with the solution in main role. Einstein, Bah, Smith so on... Freaks or Cheaters. Sure, how can I forget about them. I'm one of them.
Both of this types - was hyper smart. So read the books, talk to smart, share - and you'll achieve. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hello, fellows :) Haven't been too much so far, why ?

Internet is just reflection of your personality, Internet - not creating you, you - creating Internet. Just words... What all them means - just some bizarre sounds that humans used to use - to somehow communicate with each others -  pathetic!

Not the best start, I know. But nobody take away my part.

Cinematography - had conquered! And everybody just make it happens, why ?
We like being miserable? For sure, sometimes we just afraid too much. 

Past weekends - I was at Franklin Park - nothing to see place, but to my luck I met I coyote - just in couple foots. He wasn't scary - I was. Big white guy - all over grown with hair - with a lot weird things around him (actually just big backpack, not small camera grown to my hand, tripod, sweater on back... you get the idea). I definitely saw fear in his eye. He was afraid. Me - I was sad for it.  
Imagine the situation - bunch of unknown animals come to your native place - take all, what not take - kill, what not kill - left and all the time watch for you. I'm not jealous those - who lefts alive. ...

It was first time - i met a coyote. I never saw coyote before - ever in my life.

I saw wolf, actually I  - fight wolf, saw fox, dear, but never - coyote.
I never saw ratty "wildanimal" - humanity - is cruel. If I was on the other side - I'll already start worry...

So what I was about - yes! Live your Life :)
Just repaired my bike. Tomorrow - expecting sunny day.

P.S. Romney - Obama - god damn, guys nobody cares, who not blind - that see reality - and the last one already wasted his chance. Stats - not lieing.

P.P.S. Goal - share minds, photos, words - every day. Little by little - just part of my overwhelmed brain and soul. Improve my EAS. Thank you for opportunity.

Gladly accepting comments  or any kind of feedback. See you