Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Limitless. Observe.

Hey there.

People possibility is limitless. Is it right?

Yep, sure. Lay on the Sofa - and think this way.

But let me tell you what I think.

People possibility is limitless. Khm... yep, kind of... More concrete Nature possibility - is limitless. God's, Creator's, Nature's possibility - is on that level of development - that it's enough  to create US. Us with our "limitless" possibility.

They say - we're using only less than 10 percent of our brains - yep, right. When you laying on the Sofa. You can - if you want. The real question - are you Real want ? You wanna be hero ? Yep, why not. You wanna be rich? Yes! Strong, Healthy and so on - i can continue to infinity...

Yes, but who really make a move?

Einstein defines insanity - is making every day the same routine and expecting different results. Everybody talking, talking - we should move, we should ....

But I can say - stop. Take a breath. Find Nirvana spot in your insane life. Break at Work - every two hours, hey - don't get extra coffee/cigarette - get out - observe - just watch, see, hears, think.
   - Just  Don't do, Don't talk - observe - just open your eyes, close you  hears - and just observe. Try to become part of what your see.

The most genius decisions - was taken from nature around us. The simplicity, the color, the right picture. For sure, you not see the whole picture - it's what is moving people out of the planet - to learn more about It! Or digging deeper and deeper - to find out the answers to the simplest and most difficult questions. Who we are, where we going, what are we doing, who responsible for this...

Look who moving our planet ahead - freaks! Who - who was abscessed with some idea, who was dreaming and begging(!) to solve it - to find answer. Who had nightmare with the solution in main role. Einstein, Bah, Smith so on... Freaks or Cheaters. Sure, how can I forget about them. I'm one of them.
Both of this types - was hyper smart. So read the books, talk to smart, share - and you'll achieve. 

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